Laser Drilled Diamonds vs HPHT Diamonds

Fabulous large laser drilled stone with companion necklace and large matching earrings.

You’re here researching about diamonds so you can make the best possible decision. That’s very smart because there are so many important diamond products on the market today. You must do your homework. With that in mind, have you heard of the term laser-drilled diamonds? It may not be familiar to you, and that’s ok, … Read more

Laser Drilling vs. Special Laser Drilling – Including KM TREATMENT

Beautiful lasered diamond necklace on attractive woman.

What makes diamonds so mesmerizing to the entire world is their natural beauty and spectacular capability for brilliance. These natural gemstones have always sparked the imagination and captivated us. So, it goes without saying that generations to come will continue to find these hypnotic gems fascinating until the end of time. That said, diamonds are … Read more

Grading and Cost Determination for Clarity Enhanced Diamonds

Large Diamond on tile background

When considering the pros and cons of clarity enhanced diamonds, one always wants to learn more about the differences in grading clarity enhanced diamonds v natural diamonds as well as getting an understanding of the contrast in costs for these two diamond types. Clarity enhanced diamonds have different grading considerations than similar natural untreated diamonds. … Read more

Clarity enhanced diamonds -vs- Non-enhanced or natural stones

Stunning CED necklace and bracelet outshines many natural stones as a result of enhancement treatments.

Today consumers are in a better place than ever. With so much valuable access to information on the internet, shoppers can compare and contrast all types of merchandise prior to purchasing to they know for sure that they are making the best and most informed choice with their spending. This is certainly true when shopping … Read more

Clarity Enhanced Diamonds

Diamond with multiple inclusions clarity enhanced using high temperatures and liquid glass.

Clarity enhanced diamonds Diamonds are celebrated for their extraordinary capacity to handle light in a remarkable way. Their ability to sparkle and scintillate –or bounce light reflection from their surface has fascinated gemstone lovers for centuries. Most consumers today are familiar with the 4Cs of a diamond—Cut, Carat weight, Color and of course Clarity. Clarity … Read more

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