Performing Diamond Cutting on Your Own

Diamond cutting takes years of experience

Diamond cutting is usually an activity that professionals usually perform. Through this process, you turn a rough diamond into a beautiful precious stone. Your knowledge of cutting diamonds must be extensive enough for you to apply it. At least this is what most professional jewelers believe. The others, however, think and feel that diamond cutting is an … Read more

Is an Ultrasonic Cleaner Crucial for Your Diamond Jewelry’s Longevity?

Diamond cleaned by an ultrasonic cleaner

The importance of an ultrasonic cleaner is often a debatable topic among diamond jewelry owners. Some say that getting an ultrasonic cleaner is impractical. Others disagree. If you have invested in diamond and gemstone jewelry, you treat them as precious possessions. Of course, you will do your best to care for them through thorough cleaning. … Read more

Purple Diamonds: Enchanting, Enigmatic, and Tantalizing Stones

Natural purple diamonds are rare

Purple diamonds have always been part of human history. Through the centuries, people have known purple to be a color associated with royalty. People of royal blood have always worn this color on their clothes. They even have their quarters adorned with this color. To honor the royal family, even more, members of the royal … Read more

Pink Diamonds: Exquisite and Rare, Elegant and Romantic

Rough loose pink diamond

Pink diamonds are associated with elegance, luxury, and romance. These precious stones are so stunning that it is often a puzzle to many as to how they come to be pink naturally. Pink diamonds are rare and beautiful stones that can very well be one of the prize pieces of any collector. The magnificence and scarcity … Read more

Your Jewelry, You, and COVID-19: Caring in the Midst of the Pandemic

Sparkling jewelry and COVID-19

Jewelry is an important thing to consider in this COVID-19 Pandemic. You always wear your necklace, earrings, bracelets, or rings because they hold a sentimental value that no one can replace. In this uncertainty, there are changes you have to make. Unfortunately, your jewelry is part of this change. The truth remains—we should all do … Read more

Your Jewelry and Coronavirus: Not A Match Made in Heaven

Sanitizing yourself and your jewelry

Jewelry is a fixed item in the lives of some people. Since the coronavirus or COVID-19 crisis has affected the entire world in just a few months, it may be the only normalcy they have during this time. With the risk of contracting the disease increases significantly, many people want to know if wearing jewelry … Read more

Yellow Diamonds: Vibrant, Fun, and Refreshing to Wear

Refreshing yellow diamonds

Also known as canary yellow diamonds, yellow diamonds are more common and more affordable than other colored diamonds. The more vivid the yellow color, the more expensive the diamond. This is especially true if it has an eye-clean type of clarity. Note that a yellow diamond can have the same price as a colorless diamond. … Read more

Red Diamonds: Rare and Mesmerizing Stones

Rare red diamonds

Red diamonds are among the rarest diamonds on our planet. This natural, red-colored precious stone is usually unearthed in Brazil, Africa, and Australia. The fact that only 20 to 30 of these genuine diamonds exist. They are also believed to be about less than half of a carat when it comes to size. The Color … Read more

Blue Diamonds: Beauty and Mystery in One Glimmer

Rare and stunning blue

The creation of blue diamonds has always been a mystery. Yet, with the rise of modern technology, scientists have finally discovered how the mesmerizing blue diamond came to be. It turns out that this precious colored stone gets its color from trace amounts of boron. This is a confusing conclusion since boron is found in … Read more

Why Green Diamonds and Green Give Luck on St. Patrick’s Day

Green diamond

It is a perfect time to wear green diamonds. Green is everywhere on St. Patrick’s Day, also known as St. Paddy’s Day. The beautiful gem would match the green sweater that has been sitting in the closet all year. It has been a tradition to wear anything green to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. It would … Read more

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