Jewelry is a fixed item in the lives of some people. Since the coronavirus or COVID-19 crisis has affected the entire world in just a few months, it may be the only normalcy they have during this time. With the risk of contracting the disease increases significantly, many people want to know if wearing jewelry makes them susceptible. You are probably under stay-at-home order for now, but what if you need to go outside for necessities? Sanitizing and cleaning yourself each time you touch something outside is the new normal now. You should never overlook your jewelry, whether it has gemstones, natural diamonds, or clarity enhanced diamonds.

Bacteria, Viruses, and Jewelry
Staying safe and healthy right now is crucial if we are to defeat this coronavirus. Practicing cleanliness and personal hygiene is your weapon against Covid-19. When you’re wearing jewelry, it’s unfortunate to accept that no matter how often you wash your hands or use sanitizer, you may still harbor pathogens. Your jewelry has minute nooks and crannies that are ideal for all sorts of microorganisms, including COVID-19, to thrive. So, you see, your hygiene is compromised by the jewelry you wear.
Based on a revealing study in 2018, healthcare workers who had jewelry on them during their shift had bacteria on areas where they wore jewelry. Those who left their jewelry in their homes had fewer pathogens. If you take off your jewelry before you wash and sanitize, it is only a small part of the health equation.
To eliminate all pathogens, you should also clean your jewelry. Sterilizing your diamond rings and the rest of your jewels is an ideal move other than handwashing. You should do this as constantly as you wash your hands. The encouraging hashtags that tell you to sanitize and wash your living spaces, your masks, and your hands are not enough to maintain a pathogen-free environment.
Rings and the Coronavirus
Removing your rings and bracelets when you wash your hands is not enough to ensure complete sanitation. You should also disinfect our jewels as well. If not, washing your hands will be pointless if you will just wear contaminated jewelry again. Yet, even if you sterilize your jewels, are you certain that there are no pathogens left in them? Do you want to take that risk? For this, it would be best to not wear your jewelry at all at this time, especially when you go out.
A study from Georgia State University discovered that healthcare workers who wore their jewelry while they worked, maintained a shielded area where pathogens proliferated. It also proved that the healthcare professionals who washed their hands regularly and didn’t wear their rings during their shift killed more pathogens.
All Jewelry and the Coronavirus
Your rings and other pieces of jewelry are valuable and you may be wearing them because of sentimental reasons. Even if you promised to wear them for someone or if you believe that it’s bad luck to remove them, the present crisis is more than enough reason to go against that promise or belief. It may not seem so, but COVID-19 is extremely resilient. It can even thrive in the grooves of your hands. Bracelets and rings provide them with more hiding places.
You and the people around you are safer if you just remove your jewelry, sterilize them and leave them in your jewelry box. Since you don’t have rings or bracelets on, you can wash your hands more effectively.
What Type of Jewelry You Shouldn’t Wear
Certain metals such as stainless steel and copper are known to make COVID-19 not live exceedingly long because of their composition. There are also certain diamonds or gemstones that are believed to repel the virus. Even so, you should not rely on this given information during this crisis. It is still best to just leave your jewels and accessories at home to deprive the coronavirus of more surfaces on which to thrive.
Take note that there are certain types of precious metals and precious stones that do not do well with strong antibacterial soaps and sanitizers. Your precious pieces are important to you. Though it may be difficult to part with them, make that sacrifice and leave them behind for now. This practice will prevent you from exposing them to the coronavirus. It will even keep you from corroding them with the chemicals you use for washing and sanitizing your hands.
It is best to part with your jewels for now so that you don’t provide more opportunity for the coronavirus to thrive and multiply. Remove, sterilize, and keep your jewelry at home. This way, you will just worry about performing proper handwashing at all times. Keeping COVID-19 at bay is the top priority. Participate in this battle and keep your jewelry out of the picture for a while.